The Great Galactic Space Gimmick

Since 2017 - The Journey and Vision of Ben Faltinowski (Space-Program Vet & Explorer): Where Space, Earth, Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and related Sci-Fi come together for the love of Space! (CLICK The Images Below for all Articles)

Earthnaut Expeditions – Log 042 – The Denver Museum of Nature and Science

Well, it’s another edition of Earthnaut Expeditions! I’m Ben . . . or Mr. Ben to my small Engedian friends along with my son Agent Fox (as he’s called by our little friends with us today).

Today, we’re taking our Earthnaut friends to Denver to a great place of scientific and natural learning significance. Three of our friends are going on their very first excursion since landing near my home not long ago. So without further ado, I’ll let Union, Sneak, and now Lagrange, Eli and Medallion have the floor. Guys? Take it from here!

SNEAK: “Thank you, our esteemed Human host!!! We are at the illustrious Denver Museum of Nature and Science today! And for our latest Expedition outing, we are joined by three of our friends from Expedition II . . . Professor Lagrange, Medallion and Eli!”

MEDALLION:  “Thank you, Sneak! This visit promises to be very insightful, don’t you think Professor Lagrange?”

LAGRANGE: “Indeed it is, my distinguished oracle friend! Centers of learning are very important for the academic experience. I know my students on Engedi have genuinely come to love centers of learning such as this through efforts I applied as I was the Dean of the Engedian Space Academy!”

ELI: “I know they have many space exhibits here and some things dedicated to geographical locations not too far from Denver!”

UNION: “I find all of that very fascinating my new friend! Well what are we waiting for? Let’s go see the museum with Mr. Ben and Agent Fox!”

LAGRANGE (on the far right):, “We are now standing just outside of a museum exhibit called “Space Odyssey!”

AGENT FOX (Ben’s son on the Far Right), “My dad, along with my Mom, sisters and I come here alot! It has all the science and space themed things in the Museum!”

MEDALLION (second from left)” “Its very interesting to see human views and experiences with outer space! And also to see their scientific and engineering developments too!”

ELI (in camo coat next to Lagrange):  “Let’s go and see it!”

LAGRANGE: “Oh! A human telescope! I’ve used devices such as this to teach astronomy at the Engedian Space Academy!  This display talks about ‘aperture’, the size of the lens letting more light in to see far objects brighter!”

SNEAK: “I remember your astronomy courses being some of my favorite classes of mine that you taught!”

LAGRANGE: “I’m happy that you liked it! I think all sentinent beings like ourselves and Humans need to study space and the stars to understand the deeper aspects of gravity, matter, elements, space and time and other important scientific matters!”

SNEAK (in the center): “So, my very best friend, Union! What do we have down here below you and Medallion?”

UNION: (on the left): “We are looking at an assortment of actual meteorites that have fallen to Earth from space!”

MEDALLION (on the right) “I find geology absolutely fascinating! Besides my studying the skills and wisdom of being an Oracle of the Imm, I was taught geology at the Engedian Space Academy! It’s amazing that these meteorites can be very similar in size but their weights can vary greatly!”

SNEAK: “True. The weight of an object is equal to an objects mass times acceleration of Earth’s gravity! So the rock on the far right that’s made of iron weighs 100 pounds while the other acrhonditic rock those slightly smaller, weights so much less!”

UNION: “Very good, best friend! The mass of the object depends on how many atomic particles like protons, neutrons and electrons in the molecules that make up these meteorite rocks!

MEDALLION: “It’s amazing that the humans have been able to harvest such materials from rock such as these and do wondrous things for their industry and for other items that their people use!”

ELI: “Look at this! Humans have a simulator showing what life might be like on Mars once they begin to settle it one day!”

MEDALLION: “The red soil of Mars comes from oxidized iron in the soil and rocks here!”

SNEAK: “With the humans current space propulsion, it would take nine months or more for humans to arrive at Mars!”

LAGRANGE: “Indeed! They would need to have a very large ship that would contain all the oxygen, food, and other provisions for such a long trip.”

UNION: “Yes, the key is for the humans to develop a faster energy and thrust system to allow them to save tremendous amounts of time for the trip going to and from Mars. If they develop something faster visits to Mars could be very similar to visits to their moon!”

ELI: “Look at this great collection of meteorites! What do you think professor?”

LAGRANGE: “Impressive! I’m pleased to see that the humans that run this museum have a strong eye for laying out items, talking about how they work and what they do. Very informative and a great way to teach!”

UNION: “Come look Medallion! As you’re a geologist, you can appreciate this robotic device for humans have developed to remotely study rock compositions on Mars . . . and other planets and moons!”

MEDALLION: “I truly find that amazing, my friend and distinguished young Elder! Devices like these are great and effective until the humans develop technology to propel themselves to fire off locations to be able to collect rocks themselves and study them!  The Imm Forces have revealed that Humans’s technology will one day just barely surpass ours. When their Great Imm Leader defeats the Ahhn and the Agagans, we will jointly work with them to build a better Universe under His guidance!”

LAGRANGE: “This Human Mercury Space Capsule Astronaut, Scott Carpenter, was from Mr. Ben’s territory land called “Colorado” that we landed at. It looks like he was an Aquanaut, an Astronaut, and I tell you this story as an EARTHNAUT!!! LOL!”

UNION: “Quite an amazing space Odyssey display, don’t you think?”

LAGRANGE: “Yes, my esteemed student! So where are we off to next, Mr. Ben and Agent Fox?”

MR. BEN (behind the camera and not visible): “How about visiting the planetarium?”

LAGRANGE: “Planetarium? Is that the great projection-picture screen building that looks up at pictures of the stars?”

UNION: “Yes!!! We must visit this great auditorium dedicated to the study of the stars, a task that we love so much!!!”

AGENT FOX: “This is it!  The program they’re going to show is on Black Holes!”

SNEAK: “Oooohh!!! I love Black Holes!!! Humans think they’re nothing but destructive.  If only High Command and the Grand Elder would allow us to talk about their usefulness.  One day they will learn that Black Holes are powerful inanimate comrades to all if used and approached rightly!!!”

UNION: “Mr. Ben?  Thank you for bringing us here.  I know that Professor Hawking contributed so much knowledge to the Humans about Black Holes.  I’m sad that I was not able to meet him . . . or take care of his ALS illness with my advanced medical training!” ?

MR. BEN: (holding Union off camera): “I know you would have!  I know you would have helped my young nephew Daniel too.  There’s just some things that won’t make sense until one day when this “Imm Leader” reveals all.  He seems very similar to someone that many Humans have followed for thousands of years.  We will have to talk about this sometime soon.”

MEDALLION (off-picture):  “Very true, Mr. Ben!  The Imm Leader and this One you talk about seem very similar . . . VERY SIMILAR!!”

ELI: “Look at the graphics!!!  The Humans are very correct in their theories on what they look like!”

LAGRANGE: “I never tire of the awesome beauty and raw gravitational power of these stellar entities!”

SNEAK: “It’s amazing to think that if Earth’s Sun (called ‘Sol’) was weighed and compared to a Black Hole the size of a Human basket ball, the basket ball would weigh FAR, FAR MORE!!! And it’s gravity would be so powerful that light could not escape!”

MEDALLION: “Just like those meteorites that we saw earlier that had different masses and densities.”

UNION: “Earth Professor Stephen Hawking was such an inspiration!!! Not only on Black Holes, but on his story encouraging me to study and do well despite being sick most of the time!  Rene Descartes was another mathematician like Hawking that encouraged me because he himself also was sick much of the time!  Humans CAN inspire “aliens” like us too!”

SNEAK: “Isn’t it true that the Earth week that Professor Hawking passed away, NASA detected 2 black holes near each other with an X-ray telescope?”

UNION: “Yes, Best Friend!  They were determined to be orbiting each other from enough of a distance that they wouldn’t collide!”

LAGRANGE (second from the left): “Well, we are now in the “Nature” part of the Museum now.  We are standing next to the exhibit talking about the greatest of the Human raptor birds, namely the Golden Eagle!  Very majestic member of this group!  Mr. Ben has seen them flying over Miss Jessica’s home territory called Utah.  Union, is that where you, Sneak and Oceana went to see those Human steam-powered vehicles called ‘trains’?

UNION (second from the right): “Yes it was, Professor! I hope that you and the Grand Elder loved that Expedition Report too!”

SNEAK (far left): “All I know is that Oceana kept going on and on and on about ‘how smart you are, Union! How brave you are, Union!  All for some reason or another!”

UNION (trying not to blush): “Well, I’m happy she came with you and I to see the trains and Human aircraft.  I wish she could have come today with us.”

LAGRANGE (quietly trying not to crack a smile or laugh): “No worries! You’ll see her later today once Mr. Ben and Agent Fox bring them back to their home!”

MEDALLION (second from the right): “Here is an exhibit dedicated to one of Mr. Ben’s favorite areas.  The Great Sonoran Desert, particularly in the Territory Land called Arizona!”

ELI (second from left): “I can see why Mr. Ben likes it so much!!!”

ELI (continues): “Despite the hot desert conditions, many fantastic plants grow here such as these flowers and other plants!”

SNEAK: “Very true, my doctoral student!  The large green plants with pokers on them are called cactii.  They are a type of succulent plant that stores water in their green leafy bodies to use during the hotter and dryer conditions.”

SNEAK: “And, ooooohh!!! A Chuckwalla!!! This is a type of lizard that lives in the desert regions of Arizona!  Mr. Ben would like to own one if his Human laws and rules would allow it!”

UNION (far left): “Well good friends!  Mr. Ben and Agent Fox want to take us to a very special place in the Museum next!”

AGENT FOX (off picture): “It has dinosaur bones there!!!”

MEDALLION (in the middle): “Here is the section of this Museum that has relics of creatures on Earth that are now extinct, which means no longer living on Earth!”

MR. BEN: “Yes, dinosaurs lived and died a long time ago.  There’s none left here on Earth now!”

MEDALLION: “Yes, that’s the bad news.  But the good news is that THEY ARE ALIVE AND WELL ON OUR PLANET ENGEDI!  Before the last of each species of dinosaur died on Earth, the Imm Leader instructed us to bring several young and old of each species to Engedi where they would not live in threat of their existence.  We get along with them well there, and they don’t hunt each other there either!”

AGENT FOX: “Dad!!! We should go see them on Engedi one day!”

MR. BEN: “Perhaps we will.  Somehow I think that’s possible!”

LAGRANGE (second from the right): “Interesting childrens’ books about Dinosaurs!  I love children’s books.  Many of the Human’s adulthood books make no sense to me and make me feel ill!”

UNION (second from the right): “I heartily agree!  But the childrens’ books are filled with wonder and imagination, untainted by how negative some Human adults can be if they’re not careful!!!”

SNEAK: “Well, I’m very tired!  That was quite an experience!”

MEDALLION:  “Thank you, Mr. Ben and Agent Fox for bringing us here!”

LAGRANGE: “If our Human friends and those who read Mr. Ben’s blog The Great Galactic Space Gimmick are looking for something enjoyable and educational, come see this Denver Museum of Nature and Science!”

ELI: “Humans need to learn more about and appreciate the greatness of Space, Exploration, and the science / learning behind it all!”

UNION: “On behalf of myself, the Elder of Sol and my colleagues, thank you Mr. Ben once again for bringing us to another amazing Earth place!!!  Let’s head back to your place and we can share our report with our Grand Elder!!!”

AGENT FOX:  “Sounds good, Union!”

MR. BEN: “We’ll get some take out on the way home!”

For The Great Galactic Space Gimmick, we’re the Earthnauts Union ?, Sneak ?, Lagrange ?, Medallion ? and Eli ?along with Agent Fox ? and Gimmick Commander Ben Faltinowski. ?‍? ?

WANT TO SEE THE NEXT EARTHNAUTS STORY? – Click HERE for the Next Earthnauts Story!

RERUN! – Click HERE for the previous Earthnauts Story!

WHO ARE THE EARTHNAUTS? – Click HERE to see how it all began!!!

Β© Ben Faltinowski and The Great Galactic Space Gimmick, 2018. Authorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Ben Faltinowski and The Great Galactic Space Gimmick with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

(DISCLAIMER: The alien characters depicted in this story are fictional, and any real alien with similar names, similar appearance, or similar home planet is highly coincidental. Also, the aliens and some photos used for The Earthnauts stories are used in honor and parody of various works of science-fiction and alien themed literature and media. It is believed that this constitutes legal fair-use. Also the images used from the Denver Museum of Nature and Science were used for discussion and promotion of the museum and it’s offerings. It is believed this constitutes fair use.)

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