The Great Galactic Space Gimmick

Since 2017 - The Journey and Vision of Ben Faltinowski (Space-Program Vet & Explorer): Where Space, Earth, Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and related Sci-Fi come together for the love of Space! (CLICK The Images Below for all Articles)

An Earthnaut Moment – Chapter 06 – Happy “Naut-Landing” Day!!!

The Earth year was 1,969 CE on the 7th Earth month and 20th Earth rotation. Today is a great day for Planet Earth. The 50th Earth-Star orbit celebration of that very day . . . the day they landed for the first time on another planetoid. Their moon Luna . . . or simply, the Moon!

They flew in a primitive yet effective vehicle named Saturn V that pushed a small Space Capsule called Apollo with the name “Columbia” past Earth’s orbit along with a Lander vehicle named a LEM with the name “Eagle”! A human pilot named Michael flew Columbia while two men named Neil and Buzz landed on the Moon with Eagle, and made the first ever Human steps on this planetoid!

About 48 Earth-Sun orbits later in 2,017 CE, our own Planet Engedi sent the first 5 of 10 of their Explorers to Earth to stay long term, and to make their first steps on Planet Earth. A nice Human man named Mr. Ben and his spouse Lady Jessica and 3 offspring took us into their Colorado Springs home and we moved with them to Phoenix later to set up our Colony where Mr. Ben now works on Earth’s Space Program!!!

And those first 5 Earthnauts were us!!!

I’m Commander Chance, saucer Engineer and Starbee of the Earthnaut Colony! I’m one of the first two Earthnauts to first stand on Earth! I want to wish Earth a Happy 50th Moon-Landing Anniversary!

I’m Lieutenant Commander Sneak, Intel Officer and Security Sergeant of the Earthnaut Colony! I’m also one of the first two Earthnauts to first stand on Earth as well as one of the first brother and sister team on Earth. My best friend is Dr. Union! I also want to wish Earth a Happy 50th Moon-Landing Anniversary!

I’m Major Captain Echo, the Command Pilot of the IFS Thunder, our first Flying Saucer assigned to our Earthnaut Earth Exploration. I’m head of Earthnaut Colony military defense, and I too want to wish Earth a Happy 50th Moon-Landing Anniversary!

I’m Sergeant Oceana. I’m a researcher of botany and various Earth sciences. My older brother is Sneak (yes, the small Earthnaut really is!!! :)). I’m also Dr. Union’s girlfriend, and the first Earthnaut woman to first stand on Earth! I want to wish Earth a Happy 50th Moon-Landing Anniversary!

I’m Commodore/Dr. Union, the Elder of Sol and assigned Earthnaut Colony Chief and Lead Explorer. I’m a Medical Doctor but found that I’ve become sought after for mastering unrelated elective sciences and have 56 doctorates! I want to wish Earth a Happy 50th Moon-Landing Anniversary!

Hello, I’m Nomad, the Grand Elder of Planet Engedi. I TOO am now an Earthnaut along with my wife and 3 others!

On behalf of our Planet Engedi, and in celebration of our two Planets’ historic landing, I hereby declare this July day as Naut-Landing Day! May it be a day that celebrates joint scientific and exploratory achievement and may it be a sign and call to peace and goodwill to Humans and all Star People’s . . . Engedian people like me and the others throughout the Stars!

We hope this is a great day for Earth, and we assure you we will be here for some time to explore your World and to protect its right to exist, in the Name of the Great Imm Leader, the Bioengineer of our race and Outer Space alike!

For the Great Galactic Space Gimmick, we are the Earthnaut Colony 🏜🌵👽👍 . . . with some help from Gimmick Commander Mr. Ben!!! 👨‍💻


RERUN! – Click HERE for the previous Earthnaut Colony Story!

WHAT IS THE EARTHNAUT COLONY? – Click HERE see the first story of The Earthnaut Colony (or Book 2 of the Earthnaut Journals)!

WHO ARE THE EARTHNAUTS? – Click HERE to see how it all began in their first Earthnaut Journals Book, The Earthnauts from Space!!!

© Ben Faltinowski and The Great Galactic Space Gimmick, 2019. Authorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Ben Faltinowski and The Great Galactic Space Gimmick with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

(DISCLAIMER: The following are disclaimers:

  1. The alien characters depicted in this and all other Earthnaut stories are fictional, and any real alien with similar names, similar appearance, or similar home planet is highly coincidental.
  1. The aliens and some photos used for The Earthnauts stories are used in honor and parody of various works of science-fiction and alien themed literature and media.
  1. All toys used in this and all other Earthnaut stories used to depict the aliens [whether stuffed or not] are purchased and owned by author Ben Faltinowski. Any/all of the character origins and their personal belief systems presented in these stories belong strictly to the alien characters owned by Mr. Faltinowski and do not necessarily represent the origin or purposes of the toy makers.
  1. No financial or other royalties were collected for this story, as it was a volunteer effort.
    For all these reasons, it is believed that these constitute legal fair-use.)

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