The Great Galactic Space Gimmick

Since 2017 - The Journey and Vision of Ben Faltinowski (Space-Program Vet & Explorer): Where Space, Earth, Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and related Sci-Fi come together for the love of Space! (CLICK The Images Below for all Articles)

The Earthnaut Colony – Chapter 07 – The Phoenix Project (Part-2): Flight of the IFS Noble! πŸ‘½πŸ›ΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

Last time, in the last chapter, of The Earthnaut Colony . . .

<7:37 PM . . . May 24 (Memorial Day Weekend) . . . over Mr. Ben’s House . . . >

πŸ‘½πŸ›Έ CAPTAIN ECHO: “This is the IFS Thunder departing for our secret landing pad at Superstition Mountain. Once I’ve dropped off Eli and Chance, I’ll go on Earth Orbit patrol tonight.”

πŸ‘½πŸ›Έ ELI: “Pretty soon, we will have more than one saucer to do this. With our enemies knowing that we are here, we have to be ready for when they try to come back.”

πŸ‘½πŸ›Έ CHANCE: “Yeah, well until that time let’s enjoy using our saucers to research and explore Planet Earth.”

πŸ‘½πŸ›Έ ELI <unpictured>: “The USS Arizona is about to rise again! We just have to do a couple more things and I need saucer will be able to be launched!”

πŸ‘½πŸ›Έ CAPTAIN ECHO: “Well we should do so soon. On the Human news channel website, I recently read that the United States government building called the ‘Octagon’, ‘Parallelogram’, or something has been investigating ‘UFO’ sightings, including the ones our ship has been involved in.  Sneak says they might be trying to launch a deeper investigation into our ship sightings.  And Phoenix is the NUMBER ONE place on Earth for UFO sightings, even before we moved our Colony here. We must remain on watch for now . . . ”

And now for the new chapter of The Earthnaut Colony . . . The Phoenix Project Part 2!!! πŸ‘½πŸ›Έ πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

<Superstition Mountain . . . Memorial Day 2019 . . . 6:00 AM Arizona Time . . . πŸ‘½ The Earthnauts’ πŸ›Έ IFS Noble Atomic-Forging Site . . . >

πŸ–₯ πŸ›Έ <Computer voice in the Star Saucer’s cockpit>: “This is an official archive on Engedian Star Saucer IFS Noble, the salvaged and atomic-reforge of historic Earth battleship USS Arizona . . . “

πŸ–₯ πŸ›Έ <Radio News Report Recording>: “This is the National News Network. We interrupt this program to bring you a special news bulletin. The Japanese Empire has attacked Pearl Harbor by air, which was just announced by Washington.  Other ships and locations across the Pacific have been attacked as well. US Army and Navy forces have reported many casualties.  This is being deemed as an act of war between Japan and the United States, and the President will likely request Congress to declare war.”> 

πŸ–₯ πŸ›Έ <Recording of President Roosevelt>: “December 7, 1941.  A day that will live in infamy . . . “

πŸ–₯ πŸ›Έ <Radio News Report Recording>: “These are images of the once mighty πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ USS Arizona, a dreadnought that fought to the last when a single, lucky bomb struck the front of the ship and ignited her forward powder magazine, explosive shells, and fuel oil in one fatal blast”.

πŸ–₯ πŸ›Έ <Radio News Report Recording>: “Nearly 1200 of the 2400 US Navy and Army personnel were taken with it. The ship is a total loss, and is unsalvageable. It’s beyond Human ability to do so . . . “

πŸ‘½ πŸ›Έ CHANCE: “Well, not for us Earthnauts! Arizona’s no longer just a fallen war memorial. WE’RE ON BOARD thanks to Project Phoenix’s atomic-cloning and forging. The USS Arizona will sail again through air and Space as our Star Saucer πŸ›Έ IFS Noble!”

πŸ‘½ πŸ›Έ CORPORAL ELI: “I know! The first of our Planet Engedi’s saucers built on Earth! We just have to tweak the G-Force equalizer, Space Life Support, and the Star Drive mode. Right now, the Noble will only make MACH 2 in Earth’s atmosphere. But the teleconveyor is working well! Our good friend Dr. Union will be pleased with his Earth research/defense Star Saucer.”

πŸ‘½ CHANCE: “Well, the IFS Noble belongs to ALL of our Planet Engedi, and honors those who once served on the Arizona. The Noble’s Security Scan is now on. Agent Sneak’s intel report says there’s been activity among Earth forces. Captain Echo’s battle to save an Israeli refugee camp last year has put them on alert, even with our peaceful actions”.

πŸ‘½ CORPORAL ELI: “I agree. Somehow, I believe the Great Imm Leader wants us vigilant, especially today for some reason. Even if they know this Star Saucer was cloned from their own USS Arizona, I feel that Earth forces might want to try and learn too much too soon about our technology. Let’s increase the scanner range . . . ”

.<Superstition Mountain . . . 8:00 AM Arizona Time>

In the skies nearby, the roar of US Army copter blades fill the sky as they fly toward the mountain . . .

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ Army Pilot #1: <“Ok, we’re approaching Superstition Mountain. Satellite tracking showed the presence of a UFO like the ones seen in Colorado Springs and over Israel the past 2 years”>.

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ Army Pilot #2: <“Copy that. We have ground units on the mountain as well and we’re approaching the location where the UFO may be on the ground. All units proceed with caution and secure the area in and around the vicinity.”>

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ Army Pilot #3: <“We’re ready to move in with more coverage. Ground forces stay alert, and stand by for our reinforcements!”>

<Suddenly, an alarm comes over the Star Saucer IFS Noble’s alert system>

πŸ–₯ πŸ›Έ <Computer voice>: RED ALERT! RED ALERT!”  

πŸ‘½ CHANCE: “Red Alert? I think the Noble’s scanners work for sure! It says a large group of US Army ground and sky units are coming here . . . and they’ve spotted our Saucer!”

πŸ‘½ CORPORAL ELI: “They’ve spotted us? How did they find out? I don’t know how, but they have!”

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ Army Pilot #1: <“All units deploy! All units dep . . . uhhh . . . do you you see what I see?”>

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ Army Troop Leader: <“I don’t believe it.  It IS a saucer!  Just like the classified briefing said, but didn’t it have blue lights instead of red?”>

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ Army Pilot #2: <“Maybe it’s another one!  Alert our commanders and Washington.  We have a real situation here”.>

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ Army Troop Leader: <“All units secure the area and stay alert!”>

.πŸ‘½ CHANCE: “Eli . . . PLEASE tell me the IFS Noble can fly. The Army is here!”


πŸ‘½ CORPORAL ELI: “I know! I know! The Noble can’t go over MACH 2 yet, but she’s flight worthy enough to get us out of here! I’m going to contact Dr. Union for clearance! He, Echo, and Medallion are at that aircraft museum in Mesa with Mr. Ben and Agent Fox. Calling now!”

<Mesa Falcon Field Airport . . . Mesa, Arizona . . . 8:12 AM Arizona Time>

πŸ‘½ CAPTAIN ECHO: “Is this a good spot for the photographs to go in our next Earthnaut Expeditions log?”

πŸ‘½ MEDALLION: “Yes, Mr. Ben.  What do you think?”

πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’» MR. BEN: “I think this should be good!  I hope you didn’t mind us bringing you here just to take pictures this morning.”

πŸ‘½ CAPTAIN ECHO: “No, it’s nice!  Since it’s your ‘Memorial Day’, the Museum will not be opened until tomorrow. But I look forward to seeing more Earth air fighters . . . uhh . . . my communicator’s alerting me.  I need to investigate . . . ”

πŸ–₯ πŸ›Έ <NEWS BROADCAST>: <“This is Phoenix News 1.  We take you now to an urgent developing story.  US Army copters are moving in on Superstition Mountain to investigate a mysterious saucer shaped vehicle.  They say it resembles a similar craft seen in Colorado Springs and Israel the past 2 years . . . “> 

πŸ‘½ CAPTAIN ECHO: “WHAT? Oh my! Earth forces have seen our newest saucer now!!! Union?  Union!!! Where are you?”

πŸ‘½ DR. UNION: “I am here with Agent Fox watching some Earth Cessna and Piper aircraft landing and ascending.  Fascinating craft these “civil aircraft are!  Is something wrong?”

πŸ‘½ MEDALLION: “Union! Echo! I know what’s going on too!  I just saw it on the news . . . ”


πŸ‘½ DR. UNION: “Well, I think it’s appropriate to respond to this challenging issue! Eli? Chance? What is occurring at your location?”

πŸ–₯ πŸ›Έ <Computer voice repeating>: “ELUSIVE FLIGHT RECOMMENDED.  LAUNCH THE IFS NOBLE!” 

πŸ‘½ ELI: “Hello Union! Well, . . . we have many Earth military forces surrounding the Noble.  The alert scanner is telling me to launch! We haven’t even had a formal launching ceremony yet for the Saucer.  What is your word?”

πŸ‘½ DR. UNION (on the communicator): “Eli, I authorize you and Chance to launch the IFS Noble now and evade Earth forces. I also want you to fly to our location so we can board and assist!”

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ Army Troop Leader: “All units are securing the area.  The saucer is 100 meters due north of my location. We don’t know yet if we can secure this craft, but I recommend we move in to investigate . . . “

.πŸ‘½ CHANCE: “I agree, Union! The ship’s reactor is looking ready for power-up and flight.  Eli, let’s launch this new Saucer!”

πŸ‘½ ELI: “Working that now. Medallion, we may need to make our launching ceremony quick.  Can you do that?”

πŸ‘½ MEDALLION (on the communicator): “Given the urgency, I believe the Great Imm Leader and the Grand Elder would approve. Launch her!”

πŸ–₯ πŸ›Έ <Eli clicks the ignition . . . >:


πŸ‘½ MEDALLION (on the communicator): “As Oracle of the Imm, I declare this saucer the IFS Noble!  But to Earth it will always be the USS Arizona, and its’ upgrade makes it the mightiest ship ever built on Earth!”

πŸ‘½ ELI: “She’s airborne! We did it! We have another Star Saucer!”

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ Army Troop Leader: <“Fall back! Fall back! The UFO’s airborne! Get Luke Air Force Base! Requesting air support, over!!!”>


πŸ‘½ DR. UNION (on the communicator): <“Marvelous friends! We are standing by at Mesa Falcon Field! Proceed to our coordinates now!”

πŸ‘½ ELI: “Roger, Dr. Union.  Engaging NOW!”

πŸ–₯ πŸ›Έ <Eli hits the boosters . . . >:


πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ Army Troop Leader: <“Command, we request air support! The UFO has taken to the air and is heading toward Phoenix, over!”>


πŸ‘½ CHANCE: “Ha ha!!! Noble can really get going, can’t she? There’s sign of Earth Air Force craft detected at this time.”

πŸ‘½ ELI: “Cruising West-SW at 250 Earth “Miles-Per-Hour”. We should be at Union and Medallion’s coordinates in about 10 minutes!”

πŸ‘½ CHANCE: “Gorgeous view outside!  No wonder they named the USS Arizona for this fantastic “state” as Mr. Ben calls it.  Very fitting that we built this saucer from atoms in the Arizona’s hull!  And no deck bomb on the planet will hever sink her again!””

<Luke Air Force Base . . . SW of Phoenix . . . 8:20 AM . . . >

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ US Base Commander: <“All fighters scramble! UFO sighted at Superstition Mountain. Army units requesting air support!”>

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ US Fighter Pilot #1: <“Copy that! Headed to intercept the craft!”>

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ US Fighter Pilot #2: <“Are we authorized to engage and fire?”>

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ US Base Commander: <“Negative.  Intercept the craft, follow, and attempt to communicate.  There have been other reported sightings of similar craft and this is not believed to be an immediate threat.”>

πŸ‘½ CHANCE: “Union, we intercepted radio chatter from the Earth forces.  They are scrambling their fighters to intercept us, and we’re working on the G-force Null, Space Life Support, Star Drive, and the Radar Cloak.  We’re visible to Earth radar, and they’re coming!”

πŸ‘½ DR. UNION (on the communicator): <“You will be here in 5 minutes.  We’ll work this out once Medallion and I are on board. “>

πŸ‘½ MEDALLION: “Echo, tell Mr. Ben and Agent Fox they need to leave, and please go with them to provide security.”

πŸ‘½ CAPTAIN ECHO: “Doing that now.  Sneak, Oceana, and Lagrange are flying the IFS Thunder back from Neptune’s orbit and once I’m on board we will provide flight support!”

πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’» MR. BEN: “Echo, what’s going on?”

πŸ‘½ CAPTAIN ECHO: “Trust me, we need to leave now! Earth forces may see you here when our new Saucer arrives and may question you!”

πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’» MR. BEN: “I figured something like that’s going on.  Let’s get out of here. I think it’s awesome that you made the USS Arizona into a Saucer.  I’d like a ride sometime on the Noble and Thunder too!”

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ US Command Pilot: <“We have the full squadron here! Radar has detected a mystery signature moving toward Mesa”>

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ US Fighter Pilot #1: <“Roger that! We’re moving in and should have a visual in 2 minutes.”>

πŸ‘½ MEDALLION: “The Grand Elder just contacted me and said you have authorization to take command of your Earth-Fleet research and defense saucer, Union.”

πŸ‘½ DR. UNION: “This is OUR saucer, Medallion.  I may be Command Pilot but it belongs to ALL of our people . . . and the Humans who served on her when she was USS Arizona!”


πŸ‘½ ELI: “This is the IFS Noble, 30 seconds from you now. Requesting permission to approach.”

πŸ‘½ DR. UNION: “Permission granted.  I can hear the saucer approaching, and we’re watching!”

πŸ‘½ MEDALLION: “Be ready to activate the teleconveyor, and port us directly to the cockpit!”

πŸ‘½ ELI: “Copy that.  Teleconveyor just came online . . . almost there!”

<Mesa Falcon Field . . . Control Tower . . . 8:30 AM . . . >

✈️ Control Tower Operator: <“Uhh . . . this is the Control Tower. Get me the FAA.  I see a strange craft approaching . . . >

πŸ‘½ DR. UNION: “FANTASTIC!  Our first Earth-built saucer!”

πŸ‘½ CHANCE: “Well, you’ve seen nothing yet, at least once everything’s on line.  How much longer, Eli?””

πŸ‘½ ELI: “Hard to say.  The Space Life Support system is up, but the Star Drive and Radar Cloak will take a bit longer.  Teleconveyance for Union and Medallion in 5 seconds . . . ”

✈️ Control Tower Operator: <“Get me the authorities!  I . . . I see a UFO!  I repeat, a UFO is at Mesa Falcon Field!!!>”

πŸ›Έ<Green-white lights shoot toward the ground and Union and Medallion are ported to the IFS Noble’s cockpit . . . >πŸ›Έ

πŸ‘½ MEDALLION: “Command Pilot in the Cockpit! IFS Noble at your control, Union!”

πŸ‘½ DR. UNION: “Thank you friends! I have the controls, and engaging now!!!”


πŸ‘½ CHANCE: “Welcome aboard the Arizona . . . oops, I mean Noble!  Anyway, I’m detecting Earth air force craft moving toward us from the South at 7 Earth-miles.  They likely see us!”

πŸ‘½ MEDALLION: “Let’s get to work on the remaining systems!”

πŸ‘½ ELI: “Thank you Medallion.  We could use the help.”

πŸ‘½ DR. UNION: “I like how well the Noble flies!  Kind of reminds me of when I flew the IFS Thunder at the Battle of Sirius.  But Echo has trained me far more at Saucer piloting than I was before, so I can truly give this saucer a proper shakedown. But first, let’s evade the Earth air units!”

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ US Command Pilot: <“All units, let’s move in.  We should be seeing the craft about . . . I . . . I see it!  Six nautical miles at 355 degrees North!”>

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ US Fighter Pilot #1: <“We’re moving in for intercept sir! Let’s see what this UFO is . . . >.

<To Be Continued . .  .>

Join us soon for the The Earthnaut Colony’s Project Phoenix Part 3!

For the Great Galactic Space Gimmick, we’re the Earthnauts . . . with some help from Ben Faltinowski! πŸ‘½πŸ‘½πŸ‘½πŸ‘½πŸ‘½πŸ‘½πŸ‘½πŸ‘½πŸ‘½πŸ‘½πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’»


RERUN! – Click HERE for the previous Earthnaut Colony Story!

WHAT IS THE EARTHNAUT COLONY? – Click HERE see the first story of The Earthnaut Colony (or Book 2 of the Earthnaut Journals)!

WHO ARE THE EARTHNAUTS? – Click HERE to see how it all began in their first Earthnaut Journals Book, The Earthnauts from Space!!!

Β© Ben Faltinowski and The Great Galactic Space Gimmick, 2019. Authorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Ben Faltinowski and The Great Galactic Space Gimmick with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

(DISCLAIMER: The following are disclaimers:

  1. The alien characters depicted in this and all other Earthnaut stories are fictional, and any real alien with similar names, similar appearance, or similar home planet is highly coincidental.
  1. The aliens and some photos used for The Earthnauts stories are used in honor and parody of various works of science-fiction and alien themed literature and media.
  1. All toys used in this and all other Earthnaut stories used to depict the aliens [whether stuffed or not] are purchased and owned by author Ben Faltinowski. Any/all of the character origins and their personal belief systems presented in these stories belong strictly to the alien characters owned by Mr. Faltinowski and do not necessarily represent the origin or purposes of the toy makers.
  1. No financial or other royalties were collected for this story, as it was a volunteer effort. For all these reasons, it is believed that these constitute legal fair-use.)

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