The Great Galactic Space Gimmick

Since 2017 - The Journey and Vision of Ben Faltinowski (Space-Program Vet & Explorer): Where Space, Earth, Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and related Sci-Fi come together for the love of Space! (CLICK The Images Below for all Articles)

The Earthnaut Colony – Chapter 10 – The Phoenix Project (Part-3): IFS Noble, The 2nd Saucer! ๐Ÿ‘ฝ๐Ÿ›ธ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ

<Last time, in The Earthnaut Colony: Phoenix Project Part 2 . .ย .>

<Mesa Falcon Field . . . Control Tower . . . 8:30 AMย . . . >

โœˆ๏ธ Control Tower Operator: <“Uhh . . . this is the Control Tower. Get me the FAA.ย  I see a strange craft approaching . . . >

โœˆ๏ธ Control Tower Operator: <“Get me the authorities!ย  I . . . I see a UFO!ย  I repeat, a UFO is at Mesa Falcon Field!!!>”

๐Ÿ›ธ<Green-white lights shoot toward the ground and Union and Medallion are ported to the IFS Noble’s cockpit . . . >๐Ÿ›ธ

๐Ÿ‘ฝ MEDALLION: “Command Pilot in the Cockpit! IFS Noble at your control, Union!”

๐Ÿ‘ฝ DR. UNION: “Thank you friends! I have the controls, and engaging now!!!”


๐Ÿ‘ฝ DR. UNION: “I like how well the Noble flies!ย  Kind of reminds me of when I flew the IFS Thunder at the Battle of Sirius.ย But now, let’s evade the approaching Earth air units!”

๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ US Command Pilot: <“All units, let’s move in.ย  We should be seeing the craft about . . . I . . . I see it!ย  Six nautical miles at 355 degrees North!”>

๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ US Fighter Pilot #1: <“We’re moving in for intercept sir! Let’s see what this UFO is . . . >.

And now, the Conclusion of The Earthnaut Colony: Phoenix Project Part 3 . .ย . ๐Ÿ‘ฝ๐Ÿ›ธ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ

US FIGHTER PILOT: “UFO is headed 220 degrees southwest.ย  All units intercept and follow!”

MEDALLION (far left): “How long until we have full systems up, Eli?”

ELI (far right): “About 5 Earth minutes! I’m still working on the Star Drive and Space Fold!”

CHANCE (middle right): “And I’m working on the anti-radar detection system and everything else!”

DR. UNION (middle left): “Good work, friends! I’ll keep the Earth fighters attention while you work these. I’m going to see how our newest Saucer handles in atmospheric flight!”

DR. UNION: “Turning 270 degrees toward Phoenix!ย  Our friend Echo says he will catch up with us in the IFS Thunder shortly!”

<IFS Noble roars to the right and towards the city of Phoenix>

US FIGHTER PILOT: “UFO is gaining speed.ย  That thing has no wings! Look at that!”

US FIGHTER PILOT: “Just stay on intercept.ย  We should reach it in a few minutes”.

ELI:ย “Long range scanners say that Phoenix has mobilized all law enforcement and military due to our detected presence!”

MEDALLION: “If they get aggressive, their actions pose no threat to us!”

DR. UNION: “Yes Medallion. We will take no provocative action. We’re explorers and scientists and not invading conquerors like their silly movies!”

MEDALLION: “Union, I have the Saucer’s update status on the screen. We’re now at 450 Earth-knots in speed, and only 4 key systems are updating now!

DR. UNION: “Well, since we’re in Phoenix, why don’t we fly around? The Humans knowing we’re here was inevitable. Colorado Springs, the Middle East Golan Heights, and Mr. Ben’s blog with our reports to Planet Engedi.ย  So let’s give them a show!!!”

<IFS Noble roars into the Phoenix skyline, with cars on the road stopping and people jumping out to watch . . . >

DR. UNION: “<Smiles and laughs> That’s some great video feed footage of the IFS Noble from the Human’s television broadcast installations! Well, let’s ascend and fly out of the Phoenix airspace. The US Earth fighters are almost upon us!

MEDALLION: “I’m sure that the ‘Phoenicians” as they call them have seen nothing like this since the ‘Phoenix Lights’ of Earth Year 1997, have they? And it looks like our curious Earth military forces will be trying to contact us in moments!”

US FIGHTER PILOT: “The UFO is on our 12! All units take formation. Do not fire unless fired upon!”

CHANCE: “Well, well, well! We have company, friends.ย  F-16C fighters per Mr. Ben’s Encyclopedia of Earth atmospheric aircraft!”

MEDALLION: “Just like the ones that chased us over Colorado Springs when Expedition II arrived on Earth 1 1/2 orbits ago on Haunnakah.

DR. UNION: “They are light weight, so their angular momentum and rate of turn is very fast!”

ELI: “I think the squadron commander is contacting us!”

US FIGHTER PILOT: “Attention unidentified craft. This is Captain John McKinnon of the United States Air Force. Identify yourselves!

DR. UNION <preparing the Star Navigation Charts for departure>: “Hello, Mister Captain John!ย  Excellent work in catching up with our craft. Fearless and inventive I must say! As your superiors know, including your ‘Administration’, you have seen us over Colorado Springs before, and saw us defend that childrens’ facility in Golan Heights Middle East in Earth Year 2018. We are presently too occupied to speak since we’re testing this new craft we’ve built, forged from replicated remains of your historic battleship USS Arizona! We will answer many of your questions soon, but know that we are here peacefully to explore and protect you and all other Humans!”

US FIGHTER PILOT: “What do you mean your craft is from the USS Arizona? That ship sank over 77 years ago!”

MEDALLION: “We did not steal materials, just molecularly cloned the atoms to make our craft’s hull”.

CHANCE: “And we added some suitable/modernized updates to make her more efficient and advanced.”

ELI: “Our purpose is peaceful, Earth pilots. As your Science Fiction movies say, “We Come In Peace”.

DR. UNION: “Tell your superiors and Administration we said hello.ย  We have to go now.ย  Thank you!”

MEDALLION: “Where are we system readiness, Eli?”

ELI: “All systems are at 100%.ย  IFS Noble is ready for her first spaceflight!”

CHANCE: “Let’s see how she handles.ย  Union? Noble is ready for you to take her into space.

DR. UNION: “Star Drive in 5, . . 4, . . . 3, . . . 2, . . . and ONE! <pushes Star Drive>”

<IFS Noble fires her Star Drive, and streaks skyward at dozens of times the speed of Earth Atmospheric sound!!!>

US FIGHTER PILOT: “What the? Holy!!!”

US FIGHTER PILOT: “How did that craft fly that quickly? The G-forces would smash us flat if we were in there!”

US FIGHTER PILOT: “From our Top Secret briefings, this craft isn’t human.ย  Now they say it’s related to the USS Arizona? How?”

US FIGHTER PILOT: “I don’t know. Just got contacted by our base.ย  They want us to return and give them a briefing.ย  Some Adminstration contacts want to talk to us too!”

US FIGHTER PILOT: “All units, return to Luke AFB immediately!”

<Meanwhile, in Earth Orbit . . . >

DR. UNION: “Our new saucer has alot of ascent power!”

CHANCE: “Well done, Eli! Your little Saucer-Wrighting PhD project and Teleconveyor system seems to be working. If the initial shakedown succeeds, Sneak and I will discuss you earning your latest PhD!

ELI: “Sounds great!”

MEDALLION: “I believe both Union and Eli should share credit for the Phoenix Project and atomic cloning.ย  Just getting here is a great success!”

CHANCE: “So where are we off to, Mr. Command Pilot?”

UNION: “It’s time to test the Star Fold.ย  Let’s move past the Moon and try it out!”

DR. UNION: “Let’s head to the Sol System’s greatest planet, Jupiter! Space Fold in 5, . . 4, . . . 3, . . . 2, . . . and ONE! <engages Star Fold>”

<IFS Noble forms a bubble in space-time and shoots forward at 10 times the speed of light!>

MEDALLION: “Excellent choice, Union! I heard that Jupiter’s moon Io is the most powerful geographically object in the Sol-System.ย  Meaning it’s a giant volcanic park!”

MEDALLION: “Excellent choice, Union! I heard that Jupiter’s moon Io is the most powerful geographically object in the Sol-System.ย  Meaning it’s a giant volcanic park!”

CHANCE: “Let’s fly by!”

ELI: “Agreed, do you think we could Union?”

DR. UNION: “I have the orbit of Io locked in, and am dropping out of Star Fold . . . now!”

<IFS Noble closes down the Star Fold and speeds toward Io at moderate sub-light speed>

DR. UNION: “There’s the Sol-Systems greatest Volcanic ‘Park’ my friends!”

CHANCE: “Gorgeous moon! But I wouldn’t want to set foot there! <chuckles>”

MEDALLION: “I should write a paper once I’ve had the chance to research this moon more.”

ELI: “How soon should we come back here, Union?”

DR. UNION: “Very soon, my ambitious and skilled friend! But first we need to see how the Star Fold works moving between Star Systems!”

CHANCE: “How about the Albireo system? A large Orange Star and Smaller Blue one!”

DR. UNION: “Yes, the Blue one is similar to Engedi’s system star, now called David!”

DR. UNION: “Space Fold in 5, . . 4, . . . 3, . . . 2, . . . and ONE! <engages Star Fold>”

<IFS Noble forms a bubble in space-time and shoots forward at 1000’s of times the speed of light!>

<Later in the Albireo System . . . >

MEDALLION: “I think we’re closer to the Blue one versus the cooler Orange one.ย  The perspective view makes the Blue one look larger!”

DR UNION: “I took some spectrum measurements and infrared readings of the star cores for the past Earth hour.ย  We should analyze this back at our Colony Common House at Mr. Ben’s!”

<Finally, the IFS Noble arrives back in the Sol System . . . >

DR. UNION: “Dropping out of Star Fold . . . now!”

<IFS Noble closes down the Star Fold and enters very-high Earth orbit>

CHANCE: “The Star Fold seems to be working.ย  The relative time between our departure and return is virtually no different!”

DR. UNION: “Yes.ย  The Star Fold is the only way to overcome the threat of forward time travel just going at the speed of light.”

<A notification signal comes in on the IFS Noble’s computer.ย  It says “Earthnaut Saucer Approaching . . . a graphic of the Earthnaut’s first saucer IFS Thunder appears on the screen!>

MEDALLION: “Well, Captain Echo has arrived!”

DR. UNION: “Greetings, IFS Thunder! This is Commodore/Dr. Union! Good to see you!”

CAPTAIN ECHO: “Hello friends! And hello to our newest saucer IFS Noble! I tracked your progress by subspace when I got onboard the Thunder to provide survelliance cover after those fighters chased you.ย  You should see the news reports from Earth going on right now! They know we’re here, and they know about the IFS Noble!”

<Multiple news channels: “This event is the greatest single UFO sighting in Phoenix since the famed ‘Phoenix Lights’ of 1997. This however is clearly a flying craft of some type and must be significant with the US Military responding. This craft resembles one seen in Israel’s Golan Heights last year, defending a Children’s Hospital from an attacking force of unknown origin . . . “>

DR. UNION: “We recorded all of these while we were conducting the IFS Noble’s first Star Fold.ย  We actually outran the television Earth transmissions so we had to record them in reverse and play them back backwards <laughing>”.

CAPTAIN ECHO: “And I thought my appearance over Israel almost 1 Earth-Sun orbit ago was something, but we’re definitely getting attention!”

DR. UNION: “Well, our Earthnaut Colony does not need to fear Earth forces for now. Mr. Ben’s national military along with Israel’s forces know that we have been helpful, but we do need to be cautious.”

CAPTAIN ECHO: “I agree Union.ย  Well, since the IFS Noble’s Radar Stealth is working now, I won’t have to escort you to our safe Star Saucer bunker located at San Tan Mountain.ย  The Superstition Mountains have too much attention right now from the Earth Forces.”

CAPTAIN ECHO: “Well, I’m headed back towards our colony.ย  Professor Lagrange, Oceana, and Sneak say that our San Tan saucer bunker is ready and secured.ย  Miss Jessica will pick us up from there and bring us back to their place while Professor Lagrange and the Grand Elder depart to Engedi in the Thunder as soon as I arrive.ย  I will see you shortly!”

<IFS Thunder flies into the atmosphere and whirrs past Monument Valley while headed toward Phoenix’s East Valley>

MEDALLION: “Preparing for Earth reentry.”

ELI: “The reentry force field is in place and fully operational.”

CHANCE: “Ready for return trajectory, Union!”

DR. UNION: “Very good. I’m navigating Northwest of Echo’s reentry path.ย  I’d like to see something . . . ”

MEDALLION: “As the Great Imm Leader lives, . . . it’s the Grand Canyon!”

DR. UNION: “Superb isn’t it?ย  The Colorado River down there is responsible for carving out the magnificant Canyon walls too!”

DR. UNION: “There is a great treasure trove of information about Earth’s great atmospheric and geologic events in this area. You should lead the efforts to study this more, Medallion.”

MEDALLION: “I would be pleased to.ย  I sense the presence of the Great Imm Leader in areas of such spectacle and wonder.ย  Only He could permit such fantastic displays to be seen!”

<The Earthnauts’ newest Star Saucer, the IFS Noble, soars casually over the American State that her former ship form was named . . . Arizona!>

MEDALLION: “Our Radar Stealth is working. There’s been no Earth force alerts while we flew over Phoenix this time”.

DR. UNION: “Our colony’s geographical location is perfect.ย  It helps that so many Humans here seem to like Star People like us.”

CHANCE: “I just hope the Humans don’t think we stole parts directly from the hull of the USS Arizona.”

ELI: “I think the idea of cloning atoms and forging a ship with 5D printing drones is too advanced an idea for them to believe yet.”

<6:00 PM Arizona time . . . at Mr. Ben’s house . . . >

DR. UNION: “I’ve powered down the manual flight systems, and switching IFS Noble to unmanned mode.”

CHANCE: “The Noble will land and power down at the San Tan safe bunker 5 Earth minutes after we teleconveyor down . . . to be ready for when we need it and/or the IFS Thunder again soon.ย  Engaging teleconveyor now!”

<The IFS Noble’s teleconveyor beams a bright swirling light of energy from it’s base and the Earthnauts transport from the cockpit down to Mr. Ben’s backyard>

<7:00 PM Arizona time . . . at Mr. Ben’s firepit . . . >

DR. UNION: “Well, I believe the first shakedown of the IFS Noble was a great success!”

OCEANA: “You did very well, my Boyfriend! I look forward to flying in the Noble with you soon!”

CHANCE: “Eli, Sneak and I discussed this on subspace from the Albireo sector.ย  We will present our recommendation to Professor Lagrange and the Grand Elder to bestow upon you a Saucerwright PhD!”

ELI: “Thank you! I’m pleased that I served the Planet Engedi well, my Earthnaut colonist colleagues, and especially the Great Imm Leader!

SNEAK: “You’ve done well, Eli. We would like to have your research applied to the IFS Thunder shortly.ย  The mass Teleconveyor system you propose looks like it’s going to be a success!

CAPTAIN ECHO: “I’ll assign you to the upgrade detail once Professor Lagrange and the Grand Elder return from Planet Engedi. They’re enroute now. The Grand Elder says his visit has some importance for our Colony for some reason.”

DR. UNION: “Yes it does! All I will say right now is that it may include ONE FINAL SMALL GROUP OF EARTHNAUTS that will come join us. And they are also going to present Eli’s Phoenix Project to the Lesser Elders there and have taken some samples of another water vessel that sailed in the Great Lakes near Mr. Ben’s childhood home . . . ”

<Meanwhile, in a Star Fold to Planet Engedi . . . >

PROFESSOR LAGRANGE: “Union gave me some information earlier. Besides the Phoenix Project Presentation to the other Elders, what else are we going to do?”

GRAND ELDER NOMAD: “Well old friend, all your questions will be answered shortly.ย  It’s to discuss ONE FINAL GROUP of Earthnauts to join us on Earth and something about using these scrap metal pieces from the late Earth water vesselย  Marine Star or Aquarama to conduct another Phoenix Project Saucer forging! More on that soon!”

For the Great Galactic Space Gimmick, we’re the Earthnautsย . . . with some help from Ben Faltinowski! ๐Ÿ‘ฝ๐Ÿ‘ฝ๐Ÿ‘ฝ๐Ÿ‘ฝ๐Ÿ‘ฝ๐Ÿ‘ฝ๐Ÿ‘ฝ๐Ÿ‘ฝ๐Ÿ‘ฝ๐Ÿ‘ฝ๐Ÿ‘จโ€๐Ÿ’ป


RERUN! – Click HERE for the previous Earthnaut Colony Story!

WHAT IS THE EARTHNAUT COLONY?ย – Click HERE see the first story of The Earthnaut Colony (or Book 2 of the Earthnaut Journals)!

WHO ARE THE EARTHNAUTS? – Click HERE to see how it all began in their first Earthnaut Journals Book, The Earthnauts from Space!!!

ยฉ Ben Faltinowski and The Great Galactic Space Gimmick, 2019, authorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this siteโ€™s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Ben Faltinowski and The Great Galactic Space Gimmick with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

DISCLAIMER: The alien characters depicted in this story are fictional, and any real alien with similar names, similar appearance, or similar home planet is highly coincidental. Also, the aliens and some photos used for The Earthnauts stories are used in honor and parody of various works of science-fiction and alien-themed literature and media. It is believed that this constitutes legal fair-use.

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