The Great Galactic Space Gimmick

Since 2017 - The Journey and Vision of Ben Faltinowski (Space-Program Vet & Explorer): Where Space, Earth, Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and related Sci-Fi come together for the love of Space! (CLICK The Images Below for all Articles)

The Earthnaut Colony – Chapter 11d – Part IV Colonial Star Symposium 🌟👽🛸

The Earthnauts’ Colonial Star Symposium now continues (from Part 3) . . .

AGENT FOX: My Dad got pictures of us with a black sprint car. The guys looked at the vehicle, it’s mechanics, controls, and other things that make it work. Captain Echo thinks that making the Star Saucer cockpits feel like these might be something fun to do sometime.”

<The Engedian elders applaud>

MEDALLION: “Thank you, Agent Fox. Let’s look at another place we visited.”

Commemorative Air Force – Mesa Falcon Air Field

DR. UNION: “In the nearby Arizona habitation of Mesa, we finally got to see the Arizona Commemorative Air Force. It is located at the same place we were on Memorial Day when we had to launch the IFS Noble early.”

MEDALLION: “It is a collection of historic military aircraft used in past Human wars that are heavily maintained and serve as mobile museums to teach younger generations about history. “

CHANCE: “My favorite aircraft was the jet-powered F-4 Phantom and Captain Echo liked the P-51 Mustang. Here you see us along with Agent Fox in front of the planes.”

MR. BEN: “Outside, we got to see some of these historic aircraft fly over. It is good to see Humans like me that are still interested in keeping history alive and maybe continuing to remember the lessons of the past.”

<The Engedian elders applaud>

Movies’ Influence on Earth Science

MR. BEN: “Well we’re about to move to the next presentation. Do you Engedian Elders have questions?”

ELDERS OF ENGEDI: “Yes. If it’s about movies, we have some. Since Human’s transportation and defense technology is still developing, what do you do in these movies to inspire moving forward to advancing it?”

DR. UNION: “If you remember Sneak and I and the report we gave last year, Humans like to watch visual and audio fictional archives they call ‘movies’, ‘television’, and others. Mr. Ben, Agent Fox, and a few of us went to see the movie called “Space-Cruiser Arizona”, about a Human Star Defense ship fabricated from components of the fallen USS Arizona.”

ELDERS OF ENGEDI: “But . . . we thought you already did that with the IFS Noble.”

DR. UNION: “I believe that the Humans liked our idea for a fictional story, and . . . <suddenly laughs at his picture above>. My apologies for the look on my face here. My colleagues and I liked the story, but I was obviously confused. For this movie, I don’t mind if Humans borrowed the idea, but I get concerned when they don’t have enough of their own!”.

“Afterwards, Oceana and I decided to watch another sci-fi movie. This was for a younger audience and even a romantic one. As you know, Oceana and I have been ‘dating’ as Humans call it for over 1 Earth-Sol orbit. Mr. Ben and Miss Jessica have been a Human-Covenant couple for 16 Earth-Sol orbits, and they like seeing movies together too”.

OCEANA: “We had popcorn, candy, and drinks while watching this movie about a future Earth robot couple that meet and save the Human race. It was fun!”

<The Engedian elders applaud>

ELDERS OF ENGEDI: “Thank you Dr. Union and Oceana. We understand that Humans often like to dress up like characters, creatures, and other things related to these movies, including us “aliens” too! Grand Elder, you did a fascinating white paper on this event . . . Halloween, isn’t it?”

Halloween in Arizona

GRAND ELDER: “Yes! The Humans DO celebrate dressing up as other characters, people, creatures . . . and various Star People like us and others!”

“I was able to maintain my cover because of the costumes. Mr. Ben, Miss Jessica, and their offspring demonstrated going to Human habitations and ask for sweet food by saying “Trick or Treat!” The children dressed as characters, Miss Jessica as a Princess, and Mr, Ben was to be a king, but couldn’t find his crown. He let me use his cape, and his Palomar Observatory hat as an Earthnaut Cap!!!”

“The Humans carve designs and shapes into a squash-type of edible fruit/vegetable called a ‘pumpkin”. You can see some accurate depictions of our Engedian People as well as other Star Peoples. Not scary, unless they tried to depict the Agagans, the Ahhn hordes, and the Poo-Poo shock troopers!”

“And look at this! Someone creatively used umbrellas, colored lights, and green pumpkins to make a scene where Star People land on Earth. They resemble the inhabitants of the Grammida-Geg Star System. For the most part, regular Humans love us, but it’s their leadership that’s suspicious, unfortunately”.

<The Engedian elders applaud>

ELDERS OF ENGEDI: “Thank you, Grand Elder. You mentioned you got your Earthnaut cap from “Palomar Mountain”. Isn’t that the location of the Earth Observatory with the Hale Telescope?”

DR. UNION: “Yes it is. Mr. Ben got one for the Grand Elder. I’m just about to present an overview on the place of purchase . . . ”

Join us for Part IV of Earthnauts’ Colonial Star Symposium . . .

WANT TO SEE THE NEXT EARTHNAUT COLONY STORY? – Click this LINK for the Next Chapter! 🙂

RERUN! – Click HERE for the previous Earthnaut Colony Story!

WHAT IS THE EARTHNAUT COLONY? – Click HERE to see the first story of The Earthnaut Colony (or Book 2 of the Earthnaut Journals)!

WHO ARE THE EARTHNAUTS? – Click HERE to see how it all began in their first Earthnaut Journals Book, The Earthnauts from Space!!!

© Ben Faltinowski and The Great Galactic Space Gimmick, 2019, authorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Ben Faltinowski and The Great Galactic Space Gimmick with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

DISCLAIMER: The alien characters depicted in this story are fictional, and any real alien with similar names, similar appearance, or similar home planet is highly coincidental. In this story, the photographs seen of the Hurricane Hunter aircraft were fabricated photographs of fictional crew members, and also any names or images given that match those depicted are highly coincidental. Also, the aliens and some photos used for The Earthnauts stories are used in honor and parody of various works of science-fiction and alien-themed literature and media. It is believed that this constitutes legal fair-use.

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