The Great Galactic Space Gimmick

Since 2017 - The Journey and Vision of Ben Faltinowski (Space-Program Vet & Explorer): Where Space, Earth, Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and related Sci-Fi come together for the love of Space! (CLICK The Images Below for all Articles)

The Earthnaut Colony – Chapter 11g – Part VII – More Earthnauts to Come! πŸŒŸπŸ‘½πŸ›Έ

The Earthnaut Colony’s First Star Symposium continues, . . . from Part VI . . .>

CHANCE: “It’s Union’s plan to use the IFS Noble for scientific research, but from time to time work to save Human lives if/where the Great Imm Leader permits. Project Phoenix and the launch of the Noble were successful, and full details are in the white papers. Thank you!”

<The Engedian Elders enthusiastically applaud and cheer!>

ELDERS OF ENGEDI: β€œGreat work Earthnauts . . . and our congratulations to Corporal Eli!

“We the Elders of Engedi need to speak with you Grand Elder and Lady Tia shortly. With more Earth sightings of our Saucers and EVEN YOU, we need to hasten our Earth efforts, . . . both revealed and still secret to Mr. Ben and his house.”

MR. BEN: “Unknown? What is so secret?”

LADY TIA: “It’s not just related to our Colony Mr.Ben, but even more for the sake of Planet Earth’s future and the Great Imm Leader’s plan to fix all that needs to be fixed”.

AGENT FOX: “Hey, when can my Dad and I know about this?”

ELDERS OF ENGEDI: β€œAll questions will be answered soon enough, young man. Don’t worry!”

<Later that evening, the Symposium concludes . . . >

ELDERS OF ENGEDI: β€œWell Grand Elder, Lady Tia, Earthnaut colleagues, and beloved Human guests, thank you for this Star Symposium. We shall speak more shortly. Until then . . . The Great Imm Leader prosper and hold you, and may His view be glowing before you, and grant you serenity and faith!’

ALL EARTHNAUTS: “And the same to you, Elders of Engedi! We and Mr. Ben’s family will now celebrate two holidays related to the Great Imm Leader!”

MR. BEN: “On behalf of Earth and Planet Engedi, we wish you a Happy Hanukkah πŸ•Ž and a Merry Christmas!πŸŽ„”.

<This concludes the Earthnaut’s 1st Colonial-Star Symposium . . . but there’s a little bit more to this chapter . . . >

UPDATE: A message from the Earthnauts’ Dr. Union:

“This little epilogue has an exciting announcement. There will soon be MORE Earthnauts joining our Colony in Arizona! Have fun reading more about our exploration of Earth!!!”

πŸ‘½ Dr. Union – Earthnaut Colony Chief, Lead Researcher, Saucer Pilot, ESF Commodore, and Medical Doctor

<Mr. Ben’s House . . . Sunday afternoon after Christmas . . . >

MR. BEN: “Christmas, Hanukkah, New Years, getting my Masters Degree, working overtime, helping Jessica and the kids, and the Earthnaut Symposium. I love it all but I’m so tired!”

OCEANA: “Have some of our Engedian mint tea, Mr. Ben. It will soothe your mind and help you rest! You do so much for your family, Earth’s Space Program, and for us Earthnauts! You simply must get a good rest in!”

MR. BEN: “Thank you Oceana. This tastes good. And I promise I’ll rest now.”

DR. UNION: “My prescription exactly, Mr. Ben! Humans must rest every seventh Earth day, per my medical research and what our friend Medallion read in the ancient Torah, just like the Imm Leader said it does.”

<A few minutes later, Mr. Ben drifts off into a nap . . . >

DR. UNION: “Well done, my girlfriend! It’s true that a lady’s touch is a blessing from the Great Imm Leader! Very soon, we will give Mr. Ben and his family the great news!”

OCEANA: “You know . . . I was the first female Earthnaut to visit Earth . . . but it’s truly time we had more ladies join our Earthnaut Colony soon!

DR. UNION: “Yes, it is time. Plus with more Humans aware of our presence on Earth, our expanding exploration, and a renewed security threat of the Agagans attacking Earth, it would be helpful to have more Earthnauts here. Right now, the Grand Elder, Captain Echo, and Lagrange are returning to Earth. There’s more to their trip than just new Earthnaut recruits . . . “

<IFS Thunder, leaving the orbit of Planet Engedi and the Davidian Star System . . . >

PROFESSOR LAGRANGE: “Space Jump is on. We should be back to our Earthnaut Colony later on today”.

GRAND ELDER: “We have SIX new Earthnaut recruits in training, right from the ranks of our own Engedian Star Force!”

CAPTAIN ECHO: “Is it true that ALL of them are female? I couldn’t be at the recruiting event due to briefings on the Agagans’ plan to invade the Sol System. Will we need to fly the IFS Thunder or Noble to get them soon?”

GRAND ELDER: “Not yet. These ladies were fascinated by the Symposium & the Phoenix Project’s success. They would like to fabricate their OWN IFS Saucer.

SS Aquarama: Earth Sea Vessel (1945-2007AD).

PROFESSOR LAGRANGE: “Sneak, Medallion, and I were able to retrieve fragments of the scrapped Earth sea vessel called SS Aquarama. They will soon atomically clone-forge their saucer from them.”

CAPTAIN ECHO: “According to Mr. Ben, the Aquarama was launched as the USS Marine Star, which was a sea navy ship like the Arizona. It only made one trip before the Great Earth Civil War II ended. Some time later it served as a passenger liner and automobile ferry, but only used for about 10 Earth-Sol orbits. It was then stored in dock for over 45 Earth-Sol orbits, including the seaside town of Muskegon where Mr. Ben was born, never being used again before being scrapped . . . UNTIL NOW.” 🚒 πŸ‘½πŸ›Έ

CAPTAIN ECHO: “Oceana is excited to see more Engedian women on Earth, since she and Lady Tia were the first ones to land there some time ago. I wonder what they’re like?”

For the Great Galactic Space Gimmick, we’re the Earthnauts . . . with some help from Ben Faltinowski! πŸ‘½πŸ‘½πŸ‘½πŸ‘½πŸ‘½πŸ‘½πŸ‘½πŸ‘½πŸ‘½πŸ‘½πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’»

WANT TO SEE THE NEXT EARTHNAUTS STORY?Β – Click HERE for the Next Earthnauts Chapter!!!

RERUN! – Click HERE for the previous Earthnaut Colony Story!Β 

WHAT IS THE EARTHNAUT COLONY?Β – Click HERE see the first story of The Earthnaut Colony (or Book 2 of the Earthnaut Journals)!

WHO ARE THE EARTHNAUTS? – Click HERE to see how it all began in their first Earthnaut Journals Book, The Earthnauts from Space!!!

Β© Ben Faltinowski and The Great Galactic Space Gimmick, 2019, authorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Ben Faltinowski and The Great Galactic Space Gimmick with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

DISCLAIMER: The alien characters depicted in this story are fictional, and any real alien with similar names, similar appearance, or similar home planet is highly coincidental. Also, the aliens and some photos used for The Earthnauts stories are used in honor and parody of various works of science-fiction and alien-themed literature and media. It is believed that this constitutes fair use.

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